The King’s Daughters


King’s Daughters focuses on encouraging women to remain abstinent until marriage by providing empowering messages and encouragement through community.

A Window Seat For Queens: You Never Arrive Feat. Kristen L. Pope

Journey is the appropriate word when talking about womanhood. You never quite arrive. There’s always lessons to learn and discoveries to make. When, I turned 18, I thought this was it, womanhood. I’m here. I have a high school diploma, a boyfriend, a cute body, and a college entrance letter which translated to liberation. Couldn’t have been more wrong.

True Love Will Wait

Is true love really worth waiting to have sex? Guest contributor Barbara Boliere believes it is. Check out her story and why she works each day to help other young women not make the same mistakes she made.


N’Keisha Marie uses spoken word to express her journey to know love and acceptance from ONE man. THEE Man. Click to read the rest!