Kristen L. Pope gave her first sermon at “Fan Into Flames” – the young adults service at her home church of Pentecostal Tabernacle in Cambridge, Mass. She challenged the congregation to come out of hiding. Kristen taught on the character of Peter. Detailing the many ways that we run and hide from our calling.
The King’s Daughters
ArticlesThey say life is short, but in reality, it’s the longest thing we’ll ever do. Remember that good things usually take time. Be patient.
Blessings are wonderful! Make no mistake God desires to bless us — but it comes at a cost. Sometimes the price feels heavy.
Journey is the appropriate word when talking about womanhood. You never quite arrive. There’s always lessons to learn and discoveries to make. When, I turned 18, I thought this was it, womanhood. I’m here. I have a high school diploma, a boyfriend, a cute body, and a college entrance letter which translated to liberation. Couldn’t have been more wrong.
I don’t know how I was supposed to feel waking up to 33 years old. All I do know is that I’ve evolved. Even since last month. I’m not the same person.
Sexual Assault is defined as “any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.” Renita Walker tells her heart stopping story of how she overcame this life changing event.
Is true love really worth waiting to have sex? Guest contributor Barbara Boliere believes it is. Check out her story and why she works each day to help other young women not make the same mistakes she made.
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and it deserves more attention than it gets. Violent sexual offenses impact your not only you physical health, but your mental health too.
Remember THAT guy that you thought was the best thing since sliced bread? The one you let all your inhibitions down for…Nadeige takes us through her journey of she FOUND him, LOST her, and then got RECONNECTED with God and herself.
N’Keisha Marie uses spoken word to express her journey to know love and acceptance from ONE man. THEE Man. Click to read the rest!